


來源:http://www.xruf.com.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:2018-06-25

1. alloy elements
6063合金是鋁鎂硅為主要元素配制的合金,每一種元素均有一定范圍的含量,鎂的價格高.有的廠家為了減少成本,把鎂的用量少到較少允許含量。有的更甚者,把鎂的含量低于允許的較少含量。壓花鋁卷, 涂層鋁卷, 花紋鋁卷,防銹鋁卷,還有的廠在合金中加廢電線和廢盆廢鋁鍋,基本談不上6063合金。致使鋁型材機械強度很低,可以低到用兩手一彎很容易彎曲,俗稱象面條一樣軟。這就是鋁材為什么能便宜幾千元原因之一。
6063 alloy is Al Mg Si as the main element of the alloy, each element has a certain range of content, the price of magnesium is high. In order to reduce the cost, some manufacturers to reduce the amount of magnesium to the minimum allowable content. In some cases, the magnesium content is lower than the allowable minimum content. Embossed aluminum coil, coated aluminum roll, pattern aluminum roll, rust proof aluminum coil, and other factories in the alloy plus waste wires and waste pots and aluminum pots, basically can not talk about 6063 alloy. The mechanical strength of aluminum profile is very low, so it can be easily bent with two hands and one bend, commonly known as noodles. That's one reason why aluminum can cost several thousand yuan.
2. aluminum alloy smelting furnace
配好的6063合金如何熔化,用什么爐子,這也至關(guān)重要的,現(xiàn)在國內(nèi)采用的爐子有40年代水平的,也有90年代水平的,較差的廠家用原始的坩鍋爐。有燒煤的、燒油的、燒氣的和電加熱的熔煉爐。有的爐子有煙囪的,有的爐子無煙囪。一般用的多為方型爐(矩形爐),的為圓形爐,有的圓形爐可以傾斜倒鋁水。論噸位有一噸、二噸、五噸、十噸、二十五噸和五十噸熔鋁形爐。壓花鋁卷, 涂層鋁卷, 花紋鋁卷,防銹鋁卷,比較一點的,在熔鋁爐下面再加一個靜置爐、靜置爐重要配制6063合金用,可在此爐內(nèi)除渣除氣,靜置,然后再鑄造鋁棒,鋁天花吊頂以供擠壓使用。在原始燒煤的爐子中和現(xiàn)代圓形爐配制的合金質(zhì)量,不一樣。一般爐子,不論燒什么燃料,均應(yīng)有煙筒,燃料在燃燒過程中產(chǎn)生的廢氣廢渣大部分可以從煙筒排出。如沒煙筒廢氣廢渣全部熔在鋁水中,這樣鑄出供擠壓用的鋁棒,內(nèi)部存在有嚴(yán)重的夾渣氣泡,這是鋁材質(zhì)量低劣原因之一,這也是鋁價便宜原因之一。
It is also essential for the 6063 alloy to be melted and what furnace is used. Now the domestic furnace has the level of 40s and the 90s level, and the worst manufacturer uses the original crucible boiler. There are coal burning, oil burning, gas burning and electric heating smelting furnace. Some of the stoves have chimneys, some of which have no chimneys. Generally used for square furnace (rectangular furnace), advanced for round furnace, some round furnace can tilt aluminum water. Tonnage has one ton, two tons, five tons, ten tons, twenty-five tons and fifty tons of aluminum melting furnace. Embossed aluminum coil, coated aluminum coil, decorative aluminum coil, antirust aluminum coil, a little more advanced, a static furnace and a static furnace are added under the aluminum melting furnace for 6063 alloy. In this furnace, the slag is degassed and placed, then aluminum rods are cast, and the ceiling of aluminum smallpox is used for extrusion. The quality of the alloy made from the original coal fired stove and the modern round furnace is absolutely different. Ordinary stoves, no matter what fuels they burn, should have chimneys. Most of the waste gas produced during the combustion of fuel can be discharged from the chimney. It is one of the reasons for the low quality of aluminum, which is one of the reasons for the low quality of aluminum, which is one of the reasons for the low quality of aluminum, which is one of the reasons for the poor quality of aluminum.
3. alloy casting
國內(nèi)鑄造設(shè)備水平,同樣相差很遠,國內(nèi)較老的鑄造設(shè)備有40年代水平的鐵模鑄造,的有液壓半連續(xù)鑄造。鐵模鑄造鑄棒結(jié)晶組織很差,并在鑄棒中有大量夾渣和氣泡,鑄棒質(zhì)量很差,現(xiàn)在一般工廠用的比較普遍的是,水平鑄造(又稱連續(xù)鑄造)和半連續(xù)鑄造,半連續(xù)鑄造大部分鋼絲繩傳動,較好的液壓傳動。半連續(xù)鑄造棒的長度不等,一般為3米、4米直到8米。半連續(xù)鑄造是地坑式,一邊鑄造一邊下降,四周用冷水四面冷卻,由于水冷四周均勻,鑄棒結(jié)晶組織均勻細密。但鋼絲繩向下傳動,不如液壓傳動平穩(wěn),液壓鑄造的鑄棒表面比其它鑄棒表面均光滑。鑄棒表面光滑是擠壓好型材的先決條件之一。壓花鋁卷, 涂層鋁卷, 花紋鋁卷,防銹鋁卷,用其它方法鑄出鑄棒表面比較粗糙,為了保證型材質(zhì)量,有時對鑄棒先車一刀,車去鑄棒粗糙的外表。現(xiàn)在常用的半連續(xù)鑄造模,為的、熱頂同水平鑄造模,這種鑄造模的特點一次可以灌鑄好幾根到幾十根,同時澆鑄質(zhì)量好,有了高質(zhì)量6063鋁合金鑄棒,才能有可能生產(chǎn)出好的鋁型材,如果用原始陳舊的鑄造設(shè)備不可能鑄造好的鑄棒,也根本無法生產(chǎn)出好的鋁型材。國內(nèi)有不少鋁材廠,沒有生產(chǎn)鋁棒的設(shè)備,而是向電鋁廠或其它廠購置6063合金棒,這樣的鋁材廠,鋁材質(zhì)量掌握在生產(chǎn)鑄棒廠手中,生產(chǎn)出的鋁材很難達到質(zhì)量穩(wěn)定。用落后設(shè)備比用鑄造設(shè)備,一是投資小,生產(chǎn)費用低,這也是為什么鋁材銷售差價大原因之一 涂層鋁卷
The level of foundry equipment in China is also far from the same. The oldest casting equipment in China has iron casting in 40s, and advanced hydraulic semi continuous casting. The mould casting rod has a poor crystal structure, and there are a lot of slag and bubble in the casting bar. The quality of the casting rod is very poor. Now the common use of the General Factory is the horizontal casting (also called continuous casting) and semi continuous casting. The semi continuous casting is most of the wire rope transmission and the best hydraulic transmission. Semi continuous casting rods vary in length, usually 3 meters and 4 meters to 8 meters. Semi continuous casting is a pit type, casting down one side, cooling around four sides with cold water, because the water cooling is uniform around all sides, the crystal structure of the casting rod is uniform and fine. However, when the wire rope is driven downward, the hydraulic transmission is stable, and the surface of the casting rod is more smooth than that of the other casting rods. Smooth surface of the casting bar is one of the prerequisites for extruding profiles. Embossed aluminum rolls, coated aluminum rolls, rolled aluminum rolls, antirust aluminum rolls and rough surface by other methods. In order to ensure the quality of the profile, sometimes a knife is first taken for the rod, and the car goes to the rough surface of the rod. The commonly used semi continuous casting dies are advanced, hot top and horizontal casting dies. The characteristics of the casting die can be cast in several to dozens of roots at one time, and the quality of the casting is good, with a high quality 6063 aluminum alloy casting bar to make it possible to produce good aluminum profile, if it is impossible to cast with the original old casting equipment. Good casting rods can not produce good aluminum profiles at all. There are many aluminum factories in China, which do not produce aluminum rod equipment, but buy 6063 alloy rods to the electric aluminum factory or other factories. This aluminum factory is in the hands of the production casting rod factory. The aluminum material produced is very difficult to achieve the quality stability. The use of backward equipment is superior to that of advanced casting equipment. First, the investment is small and the production cost is low. This is also one of the reasons for the difference in the sale price of aluminum materials.
Extrusion of 4. profile
我國型材擠壓機種類繁多,檔次高低懸殊,也為世界之較。有工廠自己的簡易擠壓機,有用壓擠塑料機改造的,有少量國產(chǎn)的,其次大部分是臺灣的,鬼子的,美國的和德國的,有水壓的、油壓的。壓花鋁卷, 涂層鋁卷, 花紋鋁卷,防銹鋁卷總之國內(nèi)幾百臺擠壓機五花八門。普遍認為鬼子、美國、德國擠壓機較好,其次是臺灣的。好和差的擠壓機,同樣的鑄棒,擠出的型材質(zhì)量決不二樣。我們經(jīng)常看到建筑鋁門窗用6063T5,這是美國牌號通用。 。
There are many kinds of profile extruders in China, which are the highest in the world. The factory has its own simple extruding machine, which is reformed with the extrusion plastic machine, with a small amount of domestic, and the second most are Taiwan, the ghost, the United States and Germany, with water pressure and oil pressure. Embossed aluminum coil, coated aluminum roll, pattern aluminum roll, rust proof aluminum coil, in short, there are hundreds of extruders in China. It is generally believed that devil, American and German extruders are better, followed by Taiwan. Good and poor extruders, the same casting rods, the quality of extruded profiles is no different. We often see 6063T5 used in building aluminum doors and windows, which is an international brand in the United States.
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